It's Beta time

Welcome to our new version of CosmoQuest's Citizen Science Builder. We will be releasing new science projects regularly.


  • Do I need a new login?
    Yes (although we hope to merge accounts in the future)
  • What happened to my old projects?
    They are still there, but they are being updated. Stay tuned.
  • What's new?
    Everything! We have a new interface, new tools, and new projects ... and new bugs.


Want to do science? We got science! Everything submitted through this interface should (bugs withstanding) be used for science.

Logged in? You should see an option called "Verify Mosaics" at the top of the screen. Click that and you'll be taken to a super simple project to see if science images have been correctly mosaic'd together.

Bugs in Progress

Report bugs on Discord or email us.

  • Make it mobile friendly
  • Make UI pretty